

'Empowerment of Women'

                          Canara Bank's way…….

'Empowerment of Women' a key component of socio-economic growth and stability of a developing country like India has always been the priority objective of Canara Bank since its inception. The Bank's journey for over a century has been with care and concern for the society where we live in, especially the women folk.

Stop for a while & ponder …

Are you an enterprising woman looking forward for business opportunities, skill training and support for exhibiting / selling the products you have manufactured?

Approach the Women Empowerment Section, Financial Inclusion Wing of Canara Bank, Head Office, Bangalore or Centre for Entrepreneurship Development for Women at our Circle Offices across the country!

CED for Women caters to all training needs of women aspiring to become entrepreneurs.

The Centre for Entrepreneurship Development for Women was established at the Bank's Head Office, Bangalore during 1988 with an objective of assisting the potential women entrepreneurs to select income generating activities and start ventures of their own. Women empowerment section at Head Office and CED for women at 26 circle offices work towards socio economic empowerment women.

  • To Identify, Motivate and Train Women Entrepreneurs.
  • To Conduct General and Skill Development Programmes (EDPs) for different Target Groups.
  • To Assist Potential Women Entrepreneurs to start/establish/run an Enterprise professionally.
  • To Guide Existing Entrepreneurs in improvisation modernization of an existing unit.
  • To co-ordinate with Government/Voluntary organizations engaged in promoting entrepreneurship among women.
  • To offer counseling services to the Entrepreneurs existing as well as prospective.
  • To popularize the concept of Self Help Groups' among women as well assist them in formation of SHGs, credit linkage and trainings.

Women empowerment section at Head Office and CED for women at 26 circle offices work towards socio economic empowerment women.

All the 27 Centres including the one at corporate office organize General/Skill Development training Programmes, Entrepreneurship Awareness Programmes for the benefit of women.Counseling is offered by these Centres on all working days, more specifically on every Tuesday & Thursday between 3 p.m and 5 p.m.

Centres conduct seminars and workshops related to:

  • CED centres organize SHG awareness programmes & credit assistance to Self Help Groups
  • Preparation of project proposal, Market survey & management techniques.
  • Training facilities & Financial Assistance to women entrepreneurs
  • Business opportunity Guidance/Emerging Entrepreneurial Opportunities
  • For the young aspirants at the college level the Centres conduct 'Career Guidance Programmes' and workshops on 'emerging entrepreneurial opportunities'.
  • Provide marketing support to women entrepreneurs by arranging exhibition cum sale of products manufactured by them through
    • Organising Canara Utsav/Canara bazar/Canara mela throughout the country for a duration of 3-5 days at prominent places.
    • Nammura Santhe-Marketing assistance for Micro women entrepreneurs and women SHGs operating in and around Bangalore provided through Hi-tech

Two exclusive specialized branches of the Bank cater to the needs of women customers - which is of the 1st of the kind in banking Industry.

Details are enlisted below:

Sl no Address Contact
1 Jayanagar 3 rd , Bangalore 080 26630474
2 No 3 Burkish Road, T Nagar, Chennai 044-24320607

Women Empowerment Section Head Office:

Canara Bank  
Women Empowerment Section 
Lead Bank & Financial Inclusion Wing

1st Floor , Head Office - Annexe
Bengaluru - 560009
Ph: 080- 22250161
e-mail: hoced@canarabank.com

Contact details of CED for Women Circle Office:

Sl no Name of the Circle Address
1. Agra

Canara Bank,
CED for Women,
Circle Office,
Rajendra Centre
Awas Vikas,Sikandra,
Agra – 282007
Ph: 0562- 350062
e-mail: afcoagra@canarabank.com

2. Ahmedabad

Canara Bank
CED for Women
CANARA BANK , CIRCLE OFFICE AHMEDABAD 7th Floor Gift One Tower , Gift City , Gandhinagar - 382 355
Ph: 079- 27583043 , 079 - 27583057 Mob:9825082723
e-mail: afpscoahd@canarabank.com khushwant@canarabank.com

3. Bengaluru

Canara Bank
CED for Women
AF & PS Section, Circle Office
Spencer Towers, M G Road
Banglore- 560 001.
Ph: 080 – 25310073 & 277 (extn.)
e-mail: blrafps@canarabank.com

4. Bhopal

Canara Bank
ED for Women
BHOPAL (DP CODE-7450) PLOT NO 4 PSP Area, Near AIIMS, Saket Nagar Bhopal-462026Ph: 0755 -2761865
e-mail: afpscobpl@canarabank.com

5. Bhubaneshwar

Canara Bank
CED for Women
Circle Office, Bhubaneswar - Plot No 1556(P), 1561(P), Jagamara, Khandagiri, Bhubaneswar -751030 , STD Code- 0674 Ph: 0674-2391528
e-mail: afpscobhu@canarabank.com

6. Chandigarh

Canara Bank
CED for Women Circle Office
PLOT NO. 1, SECTOR 34-A , CHANDIGARH - 160022 (STD CODE -0172) ?????????? - EPABX NO STD 0172- Ph: 0172- 2665890
e-mail: afcochd@canarabank.com

7. Chennai

Canara Bank
CED for Women
Circle Office, P.B. No. 1078
Old no. 563/1, New No. 524,venkatramana towers
Anna Salai, Teynampet
Chennai- 600 018.
Ph: 044-24349730 & 24349481
e-mail: afcochn@canarabank.com

8. Delhi

Canara Bank
Circle Office
CED for Women
Ansal Towers, 38, Nehru Place
New-Delhi - 110 019
Ph: 011-26291260
e-mail: pcccodel@canarabank.com

9. Guwahati

Canara Bank,
CED for Women,
Circle Office,
Dee Bee Grandee, Panjabri Road,
Six Mile Pin,
Guwahati - 781022 Ph: 0361-2334015
Email: afpscoguw@canarabank.com

10. Hubballi

Canara Bank,
CED for Women,
Email: afcohub@canarabank.com

11. Hyderabad

Canara Bank,
CED for Women, Circle Office,
MCH No.10-3-163
& 10-3-163/A, Plot No 85,
Beside Rail Nilayam, S D Road,
Secunderabad, Secunderabad,TELANGANA- 500026
Ph: 040-27725244/27725255
Email: afpscohyd@canarabank.com

12. Jaipur

Canara Bank
CED for Women
Circle Office, Ground Floor
1, Orbit Mall, Civil Lines, Ajmer Road
Jaipur- 302006 (Rajasthan)
Ph: 0141- 2222279
e-mail: afpscojpr@canarabank.com

13. Karnal

Canara Bank
CED for Women
Circle Office
BAY SITE 17-18, SEC -12
Karnal -132001
Ph: 0184-4063603
e-mail: afpscokar@canarabank.com

14. Kolkata

Canara Bank
CED for Women
Circle Office
Bells House, 20, Camac Street
Kolkata- 700 016 (W.Bengal)
Ph: 033-22831510
e-mail: afpscokol@canarabank.com

15. Lucknow

Canara Bank
CED for Women
Circle Office
P B No. 14, Vipin Khand, Gomtinagar
Lucknow - 226 010 (U. P.)
Ph: 0522-2307412,2307422
e-mail: afpscoluck@canarabank.com

16. Madurai

Canara Bank
CED for Women
Canara bank, Circle Office
St. Mary’s Campus, East Veli Street
Madurai- 625 001
Ph: 0452 - 2337196
e-mail: afcomdu@canarabak

17. Mangalore

Canara Bank
CED for Women
Circle Office
Balmatta Road
MANGALORE - 575 001
Ph: 9995416180
e-mail: afcomlr@canarabank.com

18. Manipal

Canara Bank,
CED for Women,
Circle Office,
Head Office Building(Annexe),
Manipal – 576104
Ph: 0820- 2574440
e-mail: afcompl@canarabank.com

19. Mumbai

Canara Bank
CED for Women
AFPS Section, 3 rd Floor, C-14, G – Block
Canara Bank Circle Office, BKC
Bandra East - 400051
Ph: 022-26535370/26728674 (direct)
e-mail: afpscomum@canarabank.com

20. Patna

Canara Bank
CED for Women
Circle Office
Lav Kush Towers, 3rd Floor
P. B. No. 195, Exhibition Road
PATNA - 800 001
Ph: 0612-2321767
e-mail: afpscopat@canarabank.com

21. Pune

Canara Bank
CED for Women
af &PS Section,
Circle Office,
E F P(790) Shivaji Road, Near Mangala Theatre, Shivajinagar
PUNE - 411005.
Ph: 020-25530640
e-mail: afpscopne@canarabank.com

22. Ranchi

Canara Bank
CED for Women
Circle Office
Kaushaliya Chamber P.P compound
Ranchi, Jharkhand – 834001
Ph 0651- 2331850
e-mail: afranchico@canarabank.com

23. Trivandrum

Canara Bank
CED for Women
Circle Office
Opp:Spencer Junction, Palayam
TRIVANDRUM - 695 039 ( Kerala )
Ph: 0471 2320245 (direct) & extn 300
e-mail: afpscotvm@canarabank.com

24. Vijayawada

Canara Bank
CED for Women
Circle Office
54-15-4B, Lakshmi Avenue, 2nd Floor
Srinivasa Nagar Bank Colony
Ph: 0866 2428850 (direct)
e-mail: afpscovij@canarabank.com

25. kozhikode

Canara Bank
CED for Women
Circle Office
second floor,
Bridgeway building kannur road, westhill, kozhikode 673005
Email: advcokoz@canarabank.com


Canara Bank
CED for Women
Circle Office
D No.15-2-118 to 122, Sri Govindaraja Swamy Temple, South Mada Street, Tirupati – 517 501
Email: advcotpt@canarabank.com

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Last updated on 12/03/2025 04:38 PM

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