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Technology Upgradation Fund Schemes CELL

Our Bank has been appointed as "Nodal Agency" for implementation of the following Schemes, subsidy will be claimed from respective ministries accordingly

  • Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (TUFS) of Ministry of Textiles.
  • Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme (CLCSS) for Technology upgradtion of SMEs of Ministry of Micro Small Medium Entrepreneurs.(MOMSME)
  • Subsidy for Sugar Industries (SOFT LOAN 2018-19) of Ministry of Food, Civil & public distribution.


  • Scheme operated by Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India thro’ Office of the Textile Commissioner, Mumbai
  • Old TUFS: TUFS introduced in 1999 and was in vogue till 31.03.2007.
  • Modified TUFS (MTUFS): From 01.04.2007 to 28.06.2010
  • Black out period: 29.06.2010 to 27.04.2011
  • Revised TUFS (RTUFS): From 28.04.2011 to 31.03.2012. Extended upto 31.03.2013
  • Revised Restructured TUFS (RRTUFS): From 01.04.2012 to 12.01.2016
  • Ministry of Textiles, Government of India has notified Amended Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (ATUFS) with effect from 13.01.2016 to 31.03.2022.
  • These applications would be considered by the Ministry of Textiles on first-cum-first-served basis and subject to the availability of budgetary provisions.

The New Scheme (ATUFS) is in force from 13.01.2016

Scope of the Scheme: The Scheme is available for modernisation / expansion of existing units and for setting up of new units with benchmark level of technology in textile and jute industry

The New Scheme (ATUFS) is in force from 13.01.2016

Activities covered:

Weaving, weaving preparatory & knitting, Processing of fibres, yarns, garments & made-ups, Technical textiles, Garment / made-up manufacturing, Handloom sector, Silk Sector, Jute sectorJute Industry.

The Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme envisages the following;

SI. No Segment Rate of Capital Investment Subsidy (CIS) CIS per individual entity
1. Garmenting, Technical Textiles 15% on eligible Machines Rs.30 crore
2. Weaving for brand new Shuttle-less Looms (incldg. Weaving preparatory and knitting), processing, Jute, Silk and Handloom. 10% on eligible Machines Rs.20 crore
3(a) Composite unit /Multiple Segments – If eligible capital investment in respect of Garmenting and Technical Textiles category is more than 50% of eligible project cost 15% on eligible Machines Rs.30 crore
3(b) Composite unit/ Multiple Segments – If eligible capital investment in respect of Garmenting and Technical Textiles category is less than 50% of eligible project cost. 10% on eligible Machines Rs.20 crore

This is administered directly by the Textile Commissioners Office Mumbai.

O/o The Textile Commissioner, Ministry of Textiles, Government of India, Mumbai has, vide their Public Notice No. 5(2)/Physical Inspection/2022/ RTUFS/33 dated 31.03.2022, informed that their Competent Authority has accorded approval for opening up the window on i-TUFS portal once again for upload of six mandatory documents (as mentioned in the Public notice) in respect of cases under previous versions of TUFS (MTUFS,RTUFS & RRTUFS), during the period from 16.04.2022 to 30.04.2022, for facilitating constitution of Joint inspection Team and physical verification of the claimed machineries of ongoing accounts.

It has also been notified that all the concerned are requested to strictly adhere to the deadline and no further extension may be requested and may not be given.

For full details in this regard, please refer the above mentioned Public Notice, which is available on Ministry’s website’’

Public Notice regarding Settlement of cases under previous versions of TUFS (MTUFS, RTUFS & RRTUFS)

The Textile Commissioner, Ministry of Textiles, Mumbai, vide their Public Notice bearing no. 5(2)/Policy Matters/2021/RRTUFS/151 dated 12.08.2022, has informed that the Inter Ministerial Steering Committee (IMSC) in its 6th meeting held on 28.04.2022 has decided the following for ongoing claims of all previous versions of TUFS, in which Unit/Bank has not submitted requisite documents/clarifications sought by Office of Textile Commissioner/Regional Office of Textile Commissioner:

  • Two reminders to the Branch of the concerned Bank with a span of 21 days to submit revised documents/clarifications will be sent by Head Office/Regional Office of the Textile Commissioner, under intimation to the concerned Nodal Office of TUFS Cell of the Bank;
  • A final notice by registered post with AD will be issued stating that within 21 days if the required reply or documents not received, the claim will be settled based on the documents available and provided by the Joint Inspection Team (JIT) to the Office of Textile Commissioner.

In pursuant to the above decision, Head Office/Regional Office of Textile Commissioner has already issued reminders/letters to the concerned Bank(s)/Nodal Banks/Units. If the clarification/reply/revised documents not received by Head Office/Regional Office within 21 days from the date of final notice, the subsidy fund received by the Unit will be recovered with penal interest @10% per annum, from the date of receipt of subsidy by the Unit through the concerned Bank to the date of refund, as permissible under rule of Govt. of India.

In pursuant to the above decision, Head Office/Regional Office of Textile Commissioner has already issued reminders/letters to the concerned Bank(s)/Nodal Banks/Units. If the clarification/reply/revised documents not received by Head Office/Regional Office within 21 days from the date of final notice, the subsidy fund received by the Unit will be recovered with penal interest @10% per annum, from the date of receipt of subsidy by the Unit through the concerned Bank to the date of refund, as permissible under rule of Govt. of India.

Further in order to expedite settlement of long pending cases under previous version of TUFS, IMSC, in its meeting held on 22nd July, 2022, has also decided that the units who have availed subsidy under the previous version of TUFS (MTUFS,RTUFS & RRTUFS) shall be issued two reminders seeking their willingness for physical verifications of machinery/assets by Joint Inspection Team (JIT) with a span of 21 days from the date of issue of letter by the concerned Regional Office of Textile Commissioner and a final notice by registered post with AD stating to communicate willingness within 21 days from the date of issue of final notice. Failing to submit the willingness for JIT Inspection within 21 days from the date of issue of final notice by registered post, subsidy released to the Unit through their lending agency(ies) will be recovered with penal interest @10% per annum from the date of receipt of subsidy to the date of refund.

For details, the above mentioned Public Notice may be referred, which is available on the website of the Textile Commissioner, Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India at the following web link:

PUBLIC NOTICE reg settlement of cases under previous TUFS

Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme (CLCSS) of MOMSME.
Scheme is continued from retrospective effect from 01.04.2017 to 31.03.2020.There is no continuation of the same from 01.04.2020.

Ministry of MSME vide Office Memorandum No. K-02/4/2021-SME dated 15.11.2021 has communicated that the ‘National Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Hub (NSSH)’ Scheme has been made applicable till 31.03.2026 and all the components under NSSH Scheme (including SCLCSS) shall remain co-terminus with the NSSH Scheme

Ministry of MSME, vide their Office Memorandum No.K-02/12/2021-SME, dated 11.04.2022, informed that they have decided to keep open the SCLCSS MIS portal throughout the year. They have further informed that Nodal Banks will submit applications on monthly/bi-monthly basis for reimbursement.

As per the above mentioned OM dated 11.04.2022, the timeline for acceptance of SCLCSS subsidy claims for Service and Manufacturing sector is now open for one year from the reference date as under:

  • SC/ST MSEs of Service sector: Submission of SCLCSS subsidy claims with reference dates from 15.11.2021 (w.e.f. date of issuance of NSSH revised guidelines i.e. 15.11.2021) and onwards.
  • SC/ST MSEs of Manufacturing sector: Submission of SCLCSS subsidy claims with reference dates from 01.01.2022 and onwards (SCLCSS claims up to 31.12.2021 have already been submitted and subsidy has been released).

Claims under SCLCSS will be settled by NSIC with budgetary support under NSSH

Objective: The Scheme aims at facilitating technology upgradation by providing 15% upfront capital subsidy for General category and 25% upfront capital subsidy for SC/ST category to Micro small and medium entrepreneurs including tiny khadi village and coir industrial units on institutional finance availed for induction of well established and improved technologies in the specified sub sector / products approved under the scheme.

The Ministry of MSME vide Office Memorandum no K-02/4/2021-SME DATED 15.11.2021 informed the following.

  • SCLCSS scheme will also include the Service Sector. Accordingly, the SC/ST MSEs of both Service Sector and Manufacturing Sector are eligible for 25% subsidy under SCLCSS for procurement of equipmentsw.e.f. 15.11.2021.
  • The National Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Hub (NSSH) scheme has been made applicable till 31.03.2026 and all the components under NSSH scheme (including SCLCSS) shall remain co-terminus with the NSSH Scheme.

Special Credit linked Capital Subsidy Scheme (SCLCSS).

Ministry of MSME, vide their Office Memorandum No. K-04/33/2022-SME (Pt.II) dated 10.05.2023 informed the revised guidelines in respect of SCLCSS claims to be uploaded on the MIS portal.

Also, Ministry of MSME vide their Office Memorandum No. K-02/12/2021-SME dated 16.06.2023 informed regarding issuance of DIC recommendation/clearance for release of subsidy under SCLCSS of National SC/ST Hub to SC/ST entrepreneurs.

For details, visit the website of SC-ST Hub: -

  • SEFASU-2014:
    The scheme was in operational for 5 years from June 2014 to June 2019.
  • Soft Loan 2018-19:
    The scheme was in operation for 1 year upto June 2020. Government of India, Ministry of Food, Civil & Public Distribution, Department of Food & Public Distribution (DFPD) vide Gazette Notification dated 02.03.2019 notified the Scheme for extending Financial assistance to Sugar Undertakings with a view to improve their liquidity position for enabling them to clear cane price arrears of previous sugar seasons and timely settlement of cane price of current sugar season due to farmers, relating to the Fair and Remunerative Price (FRP) fixed by the Central Government, under the “Scheme for Extending Soft Loan to Sugar Mills to facilitate payment of cane dues of the farmers for the current sugar season 2018-19”. The concerned units will be eligible for 7% Interest Reimbursement subsidy for a maximum period of 1 year from the date of disbursement for loan. NABARD is the Nodal Agency. Loan sanctioned up to 31.07.2019 and disbursed by 31.08.2019 would be covered under the scheme.

1. Mr. Ganesh S Bastwadkar
Deputy General Manager
Tel: 22201507/9029088909

2. Mr. Ramesh Sharma
Divisional Manager
Tel: 22203233/6364917073

3. Mrs.Varsha .M
Senior Manager
Tel: 22203233/9020710553

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Last updated on 14/03/2025 03:51 PM

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